Program Description
The University at Buffalo Gifted Math Program (GMP) was founded in 1979...
- By Dr. Gerald R. Rising, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus in the University's Department of Learning and Instruction.
- By Dr. Betty J. Krist, Professor Emerita and former chair of the Mathematics Department of Buffalo State College.
Each year the program enrolls between 225 and 275 students...
- Of outstanding mathematics ability.
- In Western New York.
- From 7th through 12th grades of the public, parochial, and private schools.
Admission involves...
- Approximately 400 students from an area age cohort of about 16,000 who are nominated for GMP each year by their schools or by their parents.
- Interested nominees competing for the 60 places in the first year of the program.
- Evaluation on the basis of a three-hour battery of tests.
Classes are...
- Held twice weekly for two 70-minute sessions each day.
- An enriched and accelerated program of school mathematics in grades 7 through 10.
- University courses, including three semesters of calculus and linear algebra in grades 11 and 12, accumulating up to 22 semester hours of university credit.
The GMP teaching staff...
- Includes outstanding school and college teachers of this region who are aided by instructional assistants, several of whom are program graduates.
Participating schools...
- Accept University coursework in place of the home school mathematics curricula.
- Receive GMP grades for student report cards.
- Name a liaison officer to communicate with GMP staff.
The GMP graduates (over 615)...
- Have attended many of the nation's finest universities.
- Have studied not only mathematics and science but also fields such as psychology, business, law, and education.
- Have embarked on a variety of outstanding careers.
Fiscal support for GMP is provided by...
- Student enrollment fees and university tuition.
- Grants and gifts.
- Scholarships, available for those who request that assistance.
GMP has been recognized as...
- An outstanding mathematics-science program by a team sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Science Teachers Association, and the American Association of School Administrators.