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GMP Profiles

Meet some of our many outstanding Gifted Math Program students!

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee (Graduate 2024)

Soumyadeep is a student at Stanford University where he studies Computer Science and Quantum Physics. Soumyadeep dreams of building a humanoid robot that will be smart enough to learn any repetitive tasks to support humans. He has an enormous passion for Mathematics and Computer Science. His present research interests lie in building intelligent Internet-Of-Things (IOT) systems for various real-world applications using innovative applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) Techniques.

Soumyadeep has actively followed his desire to learn outside of the classroom, pursuing internships and participating in research at the University at Buffalo and at Carnegie Mellon University. As a recent high school graduate, Soumyadeep is already a published researcher with several co-authored articles. He was recently recognized by the Society for Science as one of the top 300 scholars in the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2024, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors, for his project “EM²GeM: Explainable Multiview Multimodal Behavioral Modelling for Generalized Mental Health Analytics.”

While at the Gifted Math Program, he shared his love of math by participating in the MathCounts team, first as a team member and then as an assistant coach. Soumyadeep was consistently a top finisher in the American Mathematics Competitions test given each year to GMP students.

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee

Adam Hakansson (Graduate 2022)

Adam Hakansson has been busy, to put it mildly, since graduating from GMP in May 2022. He completed his BS in Bioengineering as an Honors student at Northeastern University and is working toward his MS in Bioengineering. Adam was named as one of the “100 Most Influential Seniors” and has earned multiple scholarships and awards.

On top of his studies, Adam also completed a co-op on the Purification Process Development team at Pfizer and performed independent research studying control theory and dynamical applications to temperature control in High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, which is a process for separating components of a mixture, in order to improve separation efficiency and minimize cost. Adam’s work had led to presentations and publications including at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting.

Adam has a record of service activities and academic projects that contribute to the greater good. He has worked on renewable energy systems, melanoma detection irrespective to skin color, and listening devices for children’s museums.

GMP played an important role in building Adam’s mathematical foundation. “Having a strong background in both applied and abstract math has been immensely helpful throughout my college years as an engineering student. It has also made me much more adept at understanding and incorporating other areas of STEM into my research and my work and has been the underpinning of every job I've held to this point.”

Adam states, “I hope to bring my love for learning to my work and research, with my current interests focused on immunology and oncology, regenerative engineering and artificial tissues, and pharmaceutical development. I have also been doing a substantial amount of work involving mathematical modeling and statistical analysis, and I intend to use my technical knowledge to further empower my studies as I continue to satiate my curiosity.”

Grant GianGrasso

Grant GianGrasso (Graduate 2020)

Grant is a 2020 alumnus who recognizes that the skills he gained in GMP still help him today. In a speech to the 2024 GMP graduating class he said, “My research area now is epidemiology and infectious diseases, but learning multi-variable calculus and linear algebra at a young age has proven invaluable - not only for some of the calculations that I have to perform in the laboratory, but also for knowing how to encounter stubborn problems on a daily basis, that have nothing to do with math, and overcome them systematically. I apply the skills that I ascertained in GMP.”

At the University of Virginia, Grant earned his Bachelor of Arts in Human Biology and French and a Minor in Spanish in 2023, followed by a Master of Public Health. He is currently a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, where he is pursuing his Master of Science in Genomic Medicine.

Grant is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Virginia Medical Review, a student-run publication focusing on science and medicine. As a graduate researcher in infectious disease, he studied the role of human protein kinase C alpha (PKCa) in Cryptosporidium pathogenesis, and the immune response to the toxins of C. difficile bacteria. While at UVA, he participated in the TEDxUVA Student Speaker Competition in 2020 and 2021.

As a research intern in cancer therapeutics at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Grant studied the UBE4B gene in humans and its mouse counterpart, examining effects of gene expression on tumor suppressor proteins. He was awarded "Best Scientific Presentation" in the program by research faculty.

He hopes to become a physician-scientist whose career spans a combination of basic research, clinical practice, and public health policy. In his free time, Grant enjoys performing stand-up, playing the trumpet, and SCUBA diving.

Academic Calendar

Supriya Pandit (Graduate 2018)

Supriya graduated from Cornell University in May 2022 earning a B.S. with distinction in Human Biology, Health and Society. During 2022-2023, she successfully completed her Fulbright Scholarship Research program residing in India by conducting independent research on post COVID-19 reproductive behavior and parenthood. Supriya is currently a MD candidate at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biological Sciences at the University of Buffalo and hopes to pursue a career in medicine and public health.

While at GMP, Supriya was awarded a scholarship from Roswell Park Cancer Institute's Junior Robotic Surgery Challenge (JRSC) summer 2016. She received a Certificate of Excellence for participation and also completed the American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR AED program. She has participated in the New York State Regional Science Olympiad competition, winning multiple awards in 2016 (Cell Biology, Geologic Mapping) & in 2015 (Dynamic Planet). She is a member of Biology, Chemistry & Mathematics honor societies. Supriya played violin in her schools Symphony Orchestra. She has been learning Indian Classical Music for more than 10 years.

Academic Calendar

Hannah Slabodkin (Graduate 2017)

Hannah is a Gifted Math Program Student (class of 2017) who brings great energy and enthusiasm to GMP and to her other academic pursuits.

Hannah partakes in the Roswell Park Science Research Program. This summer, Hannah and her partner from Roswell won GOLD in the Science Discipline at the International High School Project Olympiad focusing on Environment at the 2015 Genius Olympiad at SUNY Oswego.

Hannah is a frequent participant in Science events, including Genius Olympiad, Western New York Science Fair, and the Ying Tri-State Science Fair. She relishes these opportunities to talk with people about science. She also shares her interest with students at her school, City Honors High School, as a volunteer chemistry tutor.

In addition to science and math, Hannah has tried her hand at journalism as a NeXt Correspondent for the Buffalo News. She published a story about GMP which can be found on the Buffalo News website.

Hannah intends to major in both chemistry and pre-med as an undergraduate, and eventually enroll in medical school.

Academic Calendar

Luke Marcinkiewicz (Graduate 2014)

Luke completed GMP in 2014 and has proven time and again to be an outstanding student.  He graduated from West Seneca East High School in 2014 as his class valedictorian where he was a member of the National Honor Society, the French Honor Society, the Concert Band (percussionist), Masterminds Club and the Science Honor Society.  He was also a National Merit Scholarship Finalist and scored a perfect 800 on the mathematics portion of the SAT!  He was awarded the AP Scholar with Honor Award and the Kiwanis Academic Leadership Award.

Beyond academics, Luke is also heavily involved in volunteering. As an Eagle Scout, Luke created two weather stations for the Charles E. Burchfield Nature and Arts Center located in West Seneca, New York.  Guests can visit these weather stations located in the front of the Center (shown in the picture) and in the Urban Forest section of the park.  Luke has also been a Crew Leader for Vacation Bible School at 14 Holy Helpers.

Luke was accepted into the highly competitive Atmospheric Science (Meteorology) Program through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. Cornell is the only Ivy League University to offer an undergraduate program in Meteorology. Luke’s future goals include researching climate change.

In the News

Distinguished Accomplishments

2023-24 School Year

Alexey Simakov and Arhan Patel (GMP III) won the congressional app challenge and have attended the associated events in Washington DC.

Josh Anand and Oz Abramowich (GMP III and II) were a part of the Williamsville North High School team that won 2nd place at the UB Lockdown held in February. Lockdown is a defensive security competition run by the University at Buffalo Network Defense. It provides valuable skills in cybersecurity.

Addison Barth (GMP VI) was recently recognized as a WNY Scholar Athlete for golf.

Estelle Barth (GMP II) received the Head of School scholarship from Mount Mercy Academy for receiving the 2nd highest score on the high school admission exam.

Carter Berner (GMP II) received a Scholar Athlete award for JV track from Clarence Middle School.

Ryann Berner (GMP III) received a Scholar Athlete award for varsity wrestling from Clarence High School.

Kanaya Dave (GMP I) was selected by the New York State Band Directors Association to participate in the Middle School Honor Band.

Ozzy Enis (GMP V) was accepted into the West Point Summer Leadership Experience, a highly competitive leadership immersion program that is the first step in being accepted into the United States Military Academy.

Talula Enis (GMP IV) was chosen to be an SAT Bootcamp instructor for Khan Academy due to her performance on the PSAT as a 10th grader.

Ozzy and Talula Ennis (GMP V and IV)completed training for the Jewish Federation of Buffalo’s Student-to-Student program and will be delivering presentations on Judaism and the Jewish people to local high school students.

Joseph Gavacs (GMP I) was nominated by Niagara Wheatfield High School for the Hewitt Award for Boy Scholar Athlete of the Year.

Alex Godlove (GMP I) received 2nd place in a chess tournament hosted by Grand Island School District on February 10th.

Taylor Goodyear (GMP VI) was named the valedictorian of Lancaster High School’s 2024 graduating class.

Nessa Grol-Norris (GMP IV) competed in a World Cubing Association competition in November 2023. Her personal record time for a one-handed solve (18.82 seconds) puts her among the top 100 female cubers in North America.

Salil Karkhanis (GMP III) has been selected to attend the 2024 Albany Youth Leadership forum.

Walter Lavin (GMP I) was selected for the Erie County Music Educators Association (ECMEA) All-County Junior High School Band and will play trombone in their concert in early March. He also qualified for the NY State YMCA Swimming Championships, to be held on Long Island in mid-March.

Jamison Lenz (GMP I) performed for the ECMEA and scored a 99/100 on her violin solo, which qualified her for the All-County Orchestra.

Jackson Liao-Cheng (GMP V) recently started competing in the USA Computing Olympiad contest and passed the Bronze level. He is looking forward to competing in the Silver contest in March.

Marta Macur (GMP I) won first place at the Middle School Drum Set competition at SUNY Fredonia.

Brady Mentkowski (GMP II) was selected to play French Horn for the ECMEA Junior High North All-County Band.

Nathan Peck (GMP VI) is a National Merit semifinalist and National Merit finalist.

Liam Peña (GMP II) earned his black belt from Master Khechen’s Buffalo Martial Arts Academy after four years of training.

Johnathan Samol (GMP V) competed at the Lake Erie/Niagara Regional Science Olympiad competition with his team from St. Joe's Collegiate Institute where he received 1st Place in Dynamic Planet and 1st Place in Fossils.

Nick Scime (GMP IV) has been selected for the 2024 NFJV All Star Hockey Team.

Anisha Singh (GMP III) earned her red with black stripe belt in karate. She was selected for All-County Orchestra and All County Choral for first soprano from her school.

Darwin and Melanie Skalski (GMP VI and III), along with their fellow members on the Williamsville South Science Olympiad team, won first place in the Science Olympiad Regional competition. Their team will participate in the state level competition in March.

Michael Smith (GMP I) was selected to play percussion for the ECMEA Junior High North All County band festival.

Mykyta Velichkevych (GMP V) earned his brown belt in judo.

Michael Wang (GMP V) was selected as a captain of Williamsville East High School Science Olympiad teams. He and his teammate won the 3rd place in “Dynamic Planet” in the Lake Erie/Niagara Division C Regional Science Olympiad.

Ryan Wu, Jaydheep Rajaram, and Carter Berner (GMP I, I and II) won first place with their Clarence team at the WNY Middle School Science Bowl. After winning the state championships, they are heading to the National Science Bowl, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, in Washington, D.C.

Keira Anger (GMP III) passed the US Figure Skating Bronze Skating Skills test. She also scored 100 on the Algebra Regents Exam in June.

Ved Balkundi (GMP II) was nominated to the New York State Band Directors’ Association Middle School Honor Band.

Addison Barth (GMP VI) earned WNY All Catholic Honors in both tennis and golf after finishing in 1st place in the All Catholic Golf Tournament and qualifying to move on to the state tournament; she finished in 3rd place for singles in the All Catholic Tennis Tournament. She was also recognized as a National Merit Commended Scholar this fall.

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee (GMP VI) has presented his latest work on PPG based health condition monitoring using AI-powered models in the IEEE/ACM CHASE conference in Orlando. He received the travel grant award for this full paper. This summer, he interned at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Soumyadeep is a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist.

Cyrus Clabeaux (GMP VI) is a National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist. He was selected for the 2023 New York State School Music Association Conference All-State Orchestra.

Augustus Falvo (GMP V) was selected by Rotary South Amherst to attend a youth leadership conference in Canada. He was also the student selected by the faculty at Canisius High School to represent the school at the HOBY Youth Leadership Conference last spring. Augustus was selected to serve as a CIT for the Boys and Girls Club at the Chautauqua Institution all summer.

Carol Li and Melanie Skalski (GMP III) won first place in one of the Cardrook East/West pairing games in Chicago this summer.

Marta Macur (GMP I) was invited to participate in the Buffalo State College Wind Ensemble as a percussionist.

Abigail Millich (GMP II) was elected Co-President of Student Council at St. Mary School Swormville.

Adarsh Narayanan (GMP V) will be performing on the violin at the New York All-State Symphonic Orchestra in Rochester.

Anisha Singh (GMP III) was elected President of her school Builders Club. She was selected for Junior High Area All State for Chorus and Orchestra and will be playing 1st violin in the Junior High Area All-State Symphony Orchestra in Akron.

Darwin Skalski (GMP VI) was selected to play trumpet in both the Area All-State Senior High Band and Conference All-State Symphonic Band.

Melanie Skalski (GMP III) was selected to play violin in the Area All-State Junior High Orchestra.

Michael Wang (GMP V) performed his Piano Guild programs for the National Piano Playing Auditions and was awarded a national winner. He has been inducted into the National Fraternity of Student Musicians by the American College of Musicians in Austin, Texas.

2022-23 School Year

Grace Czech (GMP V) was selected to join the National Honor Society this year.

Brandon de Jong (GMP III) will play the Euphonium in the Area-All State Band.

William Deinzer (GMP VI) organized a benefit piano concert in support of his brother, Luke, and The Summit Center. The proceeds went directly toward The Summit Center to support educational and behavioral services for children and adults with autism.

Ozzy Enis (GMP IV) was the top JV runner on the WEHS cross-country team, recording new personal-best times under 20 minutes over 5K. He was also accepted into the Brandeis University Better-To-Learn program, a college-level program of advanced studies for high school students.

Talula Enis (GMP III) set new personal-best times on the WEHS Swim team. She was also accepted into the Brandeis University Better-To-Learn program, a college-level program of advanced studies for high school students.

Joseph Gavacs (GMP V) has achieved the highest rank in Boy Scouts, Eagle Scout. This accomplishment takes years of work to complete.

Brandon Hsu (GMP IV) recently received the US Squash Scholar Athlete Award for 2021-2022.

Ethan Ivanick (GMP I) has been working to build and expand his balloon animal business. He has worked at several fairs and birthday parties over the last couple months and kids adore his creations! Hopefully, you will see Ethan’s Balloon Twisting at an event near you soon!

Abigail Laski (GMP I) was named player of the game in her tackle football game on October 8.

Adeline Lugo (GMP II) tried out and made the Amherst Girls Softball League 14U Lightning travel softball team where she plays pitcher, second base, and first base, and leads her team with a batting average of .538. Adeline also plays piano in the jazz band at Amherst Middle School.

Michael Wang (GMP IV) performed his Piano Guild programs for the National Piano Guild Auditions and was awarded national honors. He is now a member of the National Fraternity of Student Musicians for 2022-2023 by the American College of Musicians in Austin, Texas.

Sarina Singh (GMP V) received a Global Sustainability Award for her project at the International Student Science Fair at Niagara University. She also collected a gold medal for figure skating at the State Games of America and a silver level distinction award from United States Figure Skating Association.

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee (GMP V) achieved first place in the General Individual Round competition at the Toronto satellite location for the Math Tournament at Berkeley (BMT). He also had a paper accepted in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). He will present the paper in June at Orlando World Center.

Copeland Baker (GMP II) was selected for Junior All-County Band.

Nathan Czopp (GMP V) earned his Eagle rank in Boy Scouts.

Michael-Daniel Giglio (GMP I) was the first-place individual winner of the MATHCOUNTS regional competition in Olean.

Evan Liao-Cheng (GMP I) was the second-place individual winner and winner of the countdown round at the MATHCOUNTS regional competition in Olean.

Shivm Mehta (GMP III) is the New York 26th District winner for the 2022 Congressional App Challenge. Shivm’s “Climate Change Guide for Kids” was chosen by Representative Brian Higgins. The Congressional App Challenge is an initiative of the U.S. House of Representatives where members of Congress host contests in their districts for middle and high school students, encouraging them to learn to code and inspiring them to pursue careers in computer science. Each participating Congress member selects a winner from their district who is then invited to showcase their app to Congress during the annual #HouseOfCode Festival.

Henrietta Rasmusson (GMP III) won the Congressional App Challenge for New York District 27 and will be heading to Washington DC in April to demonstrate her app at the Congressional House of code.

Joseph Riggie (GMP I) was selected as a violist for the ECMEA Junior High North All-County Orchestra.

Akash Rudra (GMP II) was awarded a Presidential Merit Scholarship to St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute where he will enroll as a freshman in the fall.

Johnathan Samol (GMP IV) and his partner won second place at the Lake Erie/Niagara Science Olympiad Regional in the Rocks and Minerals category. His school team won second place overall and will travel to the University of Michigan for the Invitational Tournament.

Audrey Schuler (GMP II) has been awarded the Head of School Scholarship at Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart. She was a top scorer (second place) on the entrance exam.

Sarina Singh (GMP V) has achieved a silver level award from the United States Figure Skating Association in addition to being names class valedictorian at Lewiston Porter High School.

Darwin Skalski (GMP V) will travel with his Science Olympiad team in March to Le Moyne College for the state level competition after qualifying at regionals.

Melanie Skalski (GMP II) was the winner in her school spelling bee and will go on to compete in the regional competition in March.

Melanie Skalski and Carol Li (GMP II) will travel with their Future City team to Washington, DC to compete in finals after winning first place in the regional competition.

Benjamin Song (GMP II) earned first place in the MATHCOUNTS countdown round competition for the Monroe, NY chapter.

Alex Tomasula (GMP I) is a nationally ranked gymnast and finished in sixth place last season in his age group at the USA Gymnastics Eastern National Championships. This year, Alex has already taken first or second place overall in three meets and travelled to Dallas, Texas in February for the prestigious Valeri Liukin Invitational Meet to compete against some of the best gymnasts in the country.

Michael Wang (GMP IV) participated in the Lake Erie/Niagara Division C Regional Science Olympiad held at Buffalo State College on February 5, 2023. He and his teammate from Williamsville East won 3rd place in “Rocks and Minerals” and 6th place in “Dynamic Planet.”

Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee (GMP V) earned a Distinguished Honorable Mention on the General Test at the Stanford Mathematics Tournament.

Matthew Cwiklinski (GMP I) has earned his 2nd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo.

Ryan Fisk (GMP IV) received a scholarship to attend the American Numismatic Association Summer Seminar at Colorado College in Colorado Springs where he will learn about coin grading with some of the top experts in the country. The American Numismatic Association is a nonprofit dedicated to the study of currency analysis and the and hobby of coin collecting.

2018-19 School Year

Eli Fox (GMP VI) scored a 1600 on the SAT.

Anish Lakshman (GMP I) was honored as a volunteer at the Summit Center for developmentally disabled children.

Michael Passucci & Colleen Stewart (GMP III & IV) participated in the 2018 ACBL Youth North American Bridge Championships in Atlanta this past summer. They came in first in one of their sections at the Junior Master level.

Anthony Sauer & Vivian Zheng (GMP VI) made the Chemistry Olympiad Western New York Team last spring and competed in the 6-hour US National Chemistry Olympiad

Meghana Cheruvu (GMP III) won four gold medals in regional competitions in the subjects of Anatomy and Physiology, Experimental Design, Thermodynamics and Science Bowl. She will be competing in the New York State Science Olympiad Competition in Syracuse.

Simon Connolly, Yoongyu Heo, and Luke Tu (GMP II) were part of the Future City team from Western New York competing in the Washington DC national competition. The team’s hard work won the “Excellence In Resilience Engineering” national prize!

Heesung Kim (GMP VI), Grant GianGrasso, Giorgi Kharchilava, Andrew Lin, Ryan Lopez, Nick Masi, and Pranav Setlur(GMP V), Grady Andrews, Sarah Jiang, and Ellia Yang (GMP IV) all qualified for the New York State Science Olympiad competition!

Grace Czech (GMP I) played Tzeitel, the eldest sister, in her school’s production of Fiddler on the Roof. She will also be participating in the chorus at the ECMEA music festival at Kleinhans Music Hall.

Debosir Ghosh (GMP V) received a National gold medal for his piano performance through the Royal Conservatory of Music. He Performed at Carnegie Hall on Feb 16th.

Adhav Narayanan (GMP IV) performed on his violin at the 2019 ECMEA Sr. High North All County Orchestra on March 23rd. He also participated in the 23rd annual NCCC Tech Wars and won 2nd place in the 10th grade 3D Modeling event.

Gabriella Petrizzo (GMP III) was the Soar Student of the month for Art and an “In the Spotlight” award winner.

Colleen Stewart (GMP IV) is excited to be playing the Flute in the ECMEA Band. This is her third year but first at the senior level.

Alan Zdon (GMP VI) was selected as 1st chair on alto saxophone for the All-County Concert Band.

Caroline Brown (GMP II) won four awards at the WNY Regional Science Fair, including The Broadcom MASTERS Regional Award, the WNY Science Congress Gold Award, the Naval Science Distinguished Award, and the Lemelson Early Inventor Prize.

Meghana Cheruvu (GMP III) secured 2nd place for Anatomy and Physiology and 5th place in Thermodynamics at the NYS Science Olympiad Competition in Syracuse.

2017-18 School Year

Eli Fox (GMP IV) was the top overall scorer in the Genesee Valley Math Team League. He was also selected to perform at the state championships in New York City.

Caitlyn Gilmartin (GMP VI and GMP Ambassador) will be participating in Bald For Bucks on April 5th to benefit Roswell Park.

Shefalika Prasad (GMP VI) was named Valedictorian for Clarence High School! She was also offered Northeastern University’s full scholarship and RPI’s Gold Medal.

Alan Zdon (GMP IV) was selected to play alto saxophone for the Area All-State HS Band, the All-Country HS Band, and also for the NYS Band Directors HS Honor Concert Band. Alan has also performed on occasion with the Erie County Wind Ensemble and the American Legion Band of the Tonawandas this year.

Alex Zdon (GMP II) was chosen to perform with the All-County Band on percussion. Alex received a scholarship from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institution and plans to attend this fall.

Max Tell (GMP VI) is a 2017 National Merit Scholarship Program semi-finalist.

Supriya Pandit (GMP V) was awarded a scholarship from Roswell Park Cancer Institute's Junior Robotic Surgery Challenge (JRSC) summer 2016. At JRSC, she was recognized by her peers as a Champion of Teamwork. Supriya volunteers with the Amherst Youth Consortium and was honored with President's Volunteer Service Awards for her community service in 2015 (Gold 100+ hours) & 2014 (Silver 75+ hours).

2015-16 School Year

Alan Zdon (GMP III) was selected as first chair on tenor saxophone in the jazz band for the Zone 1 Area All-State Junior High Concert. Alan was chosen as a member to the Brother Pompian Honors Academy at St. Joesph's Collegiate Institute.

Alex Zdon (GMP I) was selected to perform on percussion in two honor ensembles: the Zone 1 Area All-State Junior High Orchestra & also the Junior High All-State Band in Syracuse.

Sophia Wang (GMP VI) was the Principal of Viola in the Symphony Orchestra for the 2015 NYSSMA Senior High Area (Zone One) All-State Concert , which was held at SUNY Fredonia on November 21,2015.

Joseph Juncewicz (GMP II) earned the Presidential Scholarship for St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute and was invited to join the Pompeiian Brother’s Honor Society Program. He also earned a Peter Canisius Presidential Scholarship and was invited into the Ignatius School Honor’s Program at Canisius High School.

Eli Fox (GMP III) was the top-scoring freshman on the Genesee Valley Math Team league. He was also selected to perform on the All-Stars Math team.

2014-15 School Year

Dr. Gerald R. Rising (GMP Founder) was inducted into the NYS Mathematics Educators’ Hall of Fame on September 19, 2014.

Dr. Deborah Moore-Russo (GMP Director) was given the Teaching Innovation Award by the University at Buffalo for her instruction in the Graduate School of Education on October 8, 2014.

Michael McClure (GMP I Student) was invited to Johns Hopkins University for the Center for Talented Youth Grand Award Ceremony. Michael scored in the top three percent or higher of over 53,000 CTY test takers nationwide!

Alan Zdon (GMP II) was selected as first chair to play alto saxophone in the Area-All State Band (NYSSMA). Alan was also asked to perform in the All-State Band (NYSBDA) this spring with his choice of instrument, alto or baritone saxophone. Additionally, Alan is playing tenor saxophone for the Casey Middle School Jazz Band & flute in Casey's Flute Choir. Alan was awarded the Presidential Scholarship at St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute.

Joshua Seefried (GMP IV) passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review. His project entailed the rebuilding of a playground.

Hannah Slabodkin (GMP IV) wrote two articles that were published in the Buffalo News Next Section in November 2014 and May 2015. The second was about GMP! At the 2015 Dr. Nelson Ying Tri Region Science and Engineering Fair, Hannah and her partner Sydney Johnson won Highest Honors, County Science Champions for Erie County, Genius Olympiad Advancement, and Alternate for the 2015 INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair for their project "Determining the Role of Rac1 in Resistance to BRaf Inhibition in Melanoma".

Alayna Nomula (GMP II) was awarded the Presidential Bronze Medal in the young adults volunteering category for 56 hours of volunteering in the year 2014. She has shown great commitment to her community.

Sophia Wang (GMP III) was honored with the President’s Volunteer Service award for her service to the community in 2014. She also received the Youth Engaged in Service Program’s Gold Award, which honors students who have volunteered at least 100 hours within the past year.

Maria Giaquinto (GMP VI) was named salutatorian for the Nardin Academy class of 2015. She is also being recognized by Business First as 1 of the top 25 Academic All stars. Maria will be attending Georgetown in the fall.

2013-14 School Year

Yankang Yang (GMP VI) became the first student from Western and Central New York to win a grand award (3rd place in Molecular and Cellular Biology) at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in its 64-year history. The fair was held May 12-17 in Phoenix, AZ with more than 1600 finalists from around the world and was a great experience. “In my three years working in a lab at Roswell Park through City Honors' Science Research Program, I have used many mathematical concepts to drive my research, many that I've learned through GMP. I would like to thank you for taking your time to run GMP and would also like to thank all the great teachers in the program that have allowed me to reach for my dreams.” Check out the ISEF fair website:

Supriya Pandit (GMP II) was awarded the Outstanding 7th Grade Student award at Casey Middle school for highest average and scholastic excellence. She also received recognition awards for Orchestra, Artistic Achievement and Community Service. She was placed 1st in literature and 2nd in visual arts for PTA Reflections 2012-2013 at the district level. Her poem "A Tree of Dreams" was selected for the Williamsville Poetry and Art Festival. She designed exclusive hand-crafted jewelry and ornaments for participation in the Holiday Craft Show at Heim Middle School.

Mack Ward (GMP Graduate 2010) was a member of a 4-person computer science team from the University at Buffalo who won first place at a hack-a-thon at Kent State University. Mack and his team created a computer program that allows people to browse the web by using head motions instead of a mouse or touch screen.

Luke Marcinkiewicz (GMP VI) was named a National Merit Finalist and scored an 800 on his Math SAT. He was also named class valedictorian at West Seneca East Senior High School for the Class of 2014.

Hannah Slabodkin (GMP III) was accepted into the City Honors School Science Research Program at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute.  She was selected to work with Dr. Eugene Kandel at Roswell Park in the Department of Cell Stress Biology. She will be working in his lab as part of his research team for the next 3.5 years.

Anna Botticello (GMP I) received the Presidential Scholarship from Mount Saint Mary Academy.

Ananya Nrusimha (GMP V) has qualified to be on Jeopardy. She has done her taping and was on the show in July 2014.

Stephen Pasek (GMP Graduate 2013) has been named one of 572 semifinalists in the 2013 US Department of Education's Presidential Scholars program. Semifinalists were selected from more than 3,900 graduating seniors throughout the United States, its territories, and US students living abroad. Stephen was chosen as a semifinalist on the basis of perfect SAT scores, superior achievements, leadership qualities, personal character, and involvement in community and school activities by a panel of distinguished educators whom make up the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars.