Dr. Betty Krist

Director, Gifted Math Program
Co-Instructor, Gifted Math Program
Betty J. Krist (Ed.D., '80) has been a teacher in every secondary and post-secondary setting. In 1976 she was Teacher of the Year in the West Seneca Schools. Subsequently, she taught math and computer science at D'Youville College.
Currently, she is professor emeritus of mathematics at Buffalo State College (where she served as chair of that department from 1991–1997) and is an adjunct member of the University at Buffalo's Department of Learning and Instruction.
Since 1980, she has worked with Gerald R. Rising as co-director of the Gifted Math Program. This complete grade 7–12 math program has more than 400 graduates who have distinguished themselves in a variety of careers throughout the world. She is currently working on the PBS online professional development project, "Teacherline." In 1994, Cornell University honored Betty as Outstanding Educator. In 1998 she received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the UB's Graduate School of Education. Betty has been chair of the Editorial Panel of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Mathematics Teacher (MT), the most widely read mathematics education journal in the world, and on Science Service's Program Advisory Council. She has just finished a term as "Activities" Editor for MT. She is a founding member of the Mathematical Association of America's SUMMA (Supporting Underrepresented Minorities Mathematical Achievement) Committee and SUNY's Math Alert Program. She is author or co-author of 5 books, 8 monographs, 6 book chapters, 6 articles, and numerous book reviews. A frequently invited speaker on mathematics education throughout the US and Canada, she also enjoys skiing, cooking, gardening, camping, and her Golden Retriever, Harley. Her research interests are secondary mathematics teaching and learning, mathematics education of gifted secondary students, and secondary mathematics education using technology. She is active in the Buffalo Branch of the American Association of University Women and works on their newsletter and website, http://aauw.buffalo.edu.