Mr. Nicholas Mason

TA, GMP I, Gifted Math Program
Hey all! I’m Nick and I’m a teaching assistant for GMP I. I’m a Western New York native; originally from Medina, but now reside in Kenmore. Back when it was time to choose a college, UB was my first choice – and I’ve been here ever since. I first graduated in 2007 with a B.S. in Mathematics and then again in 2012 with an Ed.M. in Mathematics Education. I now teach math at UB year-round, primarily as an Adjunct Instructor for the Undergraduate Learning Center during the year, and for the Educational Opportunity Program during the summer.
Like many of us in GMP, I’m a consummate math nerd at heart, and I absolutely love terrible math jokes. The best one I’ve heard so far: What is the complex contour integral of Western Europe? If you’re unsure, no worries - the answer is zero. Why? Well, because all of the Poles are in Eastern Europe!