Accepted New Students

Information for Students who Receive a Letter of Acceptance to GMP

Accepted students should check this page in April.

  • Please read the following information before deciding whether or not to join GMP.
  • All students are encouraged to try the sample homework questions.PDF document to help you understand what Gifted Math homework will be like.

  • Participation agreements, tuition, and other signature forms here are due by May 15th. Please mail these forms to Gifted Math Program, 436 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 OR fax to 645-6841.
  • The GMP middle/high school fee is $550 for each semester and is processed through the GMP office. Use this online payment link to pay your first semester (fall) bill by May 15th.

  • Health forms are due by August 10th. These forms should be sent directly to UB health services.
    • Immunizations are required by UB and forms are managed by UB Health Services and should be sent to that office. Please complete the Health Background Form. Write 'Gifted Math Program' as the 'Academic Program/Major.' Gifted Math students need to complete the top section including the consent to treat (if parent/guardian agrees/signs) and all of Part 1 (including MMR and Meningitis). The Gifted Math students do not need to complete Parts 2, 3, and 5 of the form. You can leave 'person number' blank as you will receive yours at orientation.
    • Please mail immunization forms to University at Buffalo Student Health Services, 4350 Maple Road, Amherst, NY 14226 or by fax to 829-2564.

  • Alternates will be invited to take unclaimed spots after May 20th.