Textbooks, School Supplies, & Summer Homework

The information here is current for the 2024-25 school year.

Please label textbooks, notebooks, calculators, Chromebooks and bags with student's name.

On this page:
↓  GMP I
↓  GMP V
↓  New Students

Supplies for GMP I

Summer Homework

No homework.

  • Folder
  • 1.5–2 inch binder with dividers
  • Lined paper
  • Graph paper
  • Pencils
  • Small pencil sharpener (optional)
  • Highlighter
  • Spiral notebook
  • 12-inch ruler
  • Protractor
  • Small stapler (optional)
  • Scientific calculator – Students are required to bring a scientific calculator to the 7th and 8th grade assessments taken at their home schools. They will also use the calculator in class and for homework. We recommend TI-30XS which can be purchased for under $20.
  • UB ID card – Students are required to have a UB ID card with them on campus.
    • Cards will not be available until we have sent our general summer announcements by email and postcard in July.
    • Parents should accompany students to obtain a UB card at 1Capen Student Services Center located on this map. Metered parking is also shown on the map. Student and staff lots may be used after 3 p.m. Visitor lots are available at other times.
    • The center is open Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30.
    • To get the ID card, students must bring a photo identification, such as a school ID card, passport, or yearbook, with you.
    • You will be charged $23.50 to your UB account (payable by credit card online in the HUB student center). Our students will get their accounts at orientation and can get into the HUB payment system then.
    • Please note that the UB card is for ID purposes and may not carry the same privileges as a college student.
  • Students will carry books and supplies in a GMP bag which we will provide at orientation.
  • Scanner app or scanner - Most students use a free app on a phone or tablet, such as Adobe Scan, that takes a scan quality photo of your work and allows you to submit it to UB Learns as a pdf.
  • A Chromebook or laptop - Most Chromebooks and laptops will be sufficient. The only products to avoid would be ones that are excessively low priced. Although high end features are certainly not necessary, machines that are extremely low priced can break or stop working easily and often cause more frustration than they are worth. Your device should have a webcam in order to use Zoom, such as for extra help sessions. In response to parent requests for suggested Chromebooks or laptops, we can suggest minimally this laptop, as well as this Chromebook. For a budget option, we can tentatively recommend this Chromebook with the caveat that the low RAM and processor speed may not perform or age well throughout the GMP years. Students will need to be able to access software used in class which includes UB mail, Google drive, Geogebra and others. Be aware that students at times have not been able to access these due to parental controls or district controls on school Chromebooks. We recommend that you purchase a protective case or bag for your device as well.
  • Immunization reminder - If you have not sent your immunizations, they are due to the Student Health Center by August 10th.
  • Please join us with your child for GMP I orientation on Friday, September 6th from 4:30 to 6:00.

Supplies for GMP II

Summer Homework

Summer Homework (hard copy) is due on the first night of class. Plan ahead and pace yourself.
GMP I into II summer HW

  • Sturdy plastic 3– pronged folder
  • 1–1.5 inch binder with dividers
  • Lined paper
  • Graph paper
  • Pencils
  • Small stapler (optional)
  • Small pencil sharpener (optional, no sharpeners are in the rooms)
  • TI-84 graphing calculator. Graphing calculators are required for the Algebra, Geometry and Algebra II Regents Exams and will be used for the next 3 years of GMP.
  • Continue to bring charged Chromebook or laptop to class as directed by your teachers. Keeping a charger in your bag is recommended.
  • Continue to have UB ID card with you on campus.
  • Scanner app or scanner - Most students use a free app on a phone or tablet, such as Adobe Scan, that takes a scan quality photo of your work and allows you to submit it to UB Learns as a pdf.
  • Students who are new to GMP this year should also attend to these items.

Supplies for GMP III

Summer Homework

Summer Homework (hard copy) is due on the first night of class. Plan ahead and pace yourself.
GMP II into III summer HW

  • 1.5–2 inch binder with dividers
  • Sturdy pocket folder
  • Lined paper
  • Graph paper with ΒΌ inch squares
  • Pencils
  • Small stapler (optional)
  • Small pencil sharpener (optional, no sharpeners are in the rooms)
  • Small assignment pad (optional)
  • Compass such as this or similar
  • Protractor such as this or similar
  • Graphing calculator from previous years
  • Continue to bring charged Chromebook or laptop to class as directed by your teachers. Keeping a charger in your bag is recommended.
  • Continue to have UB ID card with you on campus.
  • Scanner app or scanner - Most students use a free app on a phone or tablet, such as Adobe Scan, that takes a scan quality photo of your work and allows you to submit it to UB Learns as a pdf.
  • Students who are new to GMP this year should also attend to these items.

Supplies for GMP IV

Summer Homework

Summer Homework is due in Brightspace on or before August 16th. Plan ahead and pace yourself.
GMP III into IV summer HW

  • 1.5 inch blue binder
  • 1.5 inch red binder
  • 2 packages binder dividers
  • Lined paper
  • Graph paper
  • Pencils
  • Pencil case
  • Small pencil sharpener
  • Small ruler
  • Graphing calculator
  • Small stapler (optional)
  • Small assignment pad (optional)
  • Continue to have UB ID card with you on campus.
  • We will be using the textbook Precalculus, 7th Edition by Robert Blitzer. You will need to purchase it. As you will need the book for the full school year, we suggest buying the lifetime online version for $95. Hard copies are a good option, but are more expensive if purchased new.
  • Scanner app or scanner - Most students use a free app on a phone or tablet, such as Adobe Scan, that takes a scan quality photo of your work and allows you to submit it to UB Learns as a pdf.
  • Students who are new to GMP this year should also attend to these items.

Supplies for GMP V

Summer Homework

Summer Homework (hard copy) is due on the first night of class. Plan ahead and pace yourself. It involves review AND learning new topics.
GMP IV into V summer HW

  • Spiral notebook or binder for notes
  • Sturdy pocket folder
  • Lined Paper
  • Graph Paper
  • Pens and pencils
  • Small pencil sharpener (optional, no sharpeners are in the rooms)
  • Small assignment pad (optional)
  • Small stapler (optional)
  • Graphing calculator
  • Continue to have UB ID card with you on campus
  • Students should purchase the textbook package Calculus: Early Transcendentals by J. Stewart, D. Clegg and S. Watson, 9th edition which will be used for MTH 141, MTH 142 and MTH 241.Students can use a hard copy or electronic version. The UB bookstore offers ebooks and may have hard copies of the textbook.
  • Scanner app or scanner - Most students use a free app on a phone or tablet, such as Adobe Scan, that takes a scan quality photo of your work and allows you to submit it to UB Learns as a pdf.
  • Students who are new to GMP this year should also attend to these items.

Supplies for GMP VI

Summer Homework

Summer Homework (hard copy) is due on the first night of class. Plan ahead and pace yourself.
GMP V into VI summer HW

  • Spiral notebook or binder for notes
  • Sturdy pocket folder
  • Lined paper
  • Graph paper
  • Pens and pencils
  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Small pencil sharpener (optional, no sharpeners are in the rooms)
  • Small assignment pad (optional)
  • Small ruler
  • Small stapler (optional)
  • Graphing calculator
  • Continue to have UB ID card with you on campus.
  • Students should purchase the textbook package Calculus: Early Transcendentals by J. Stewart, D. Clegg and S. Watson, 9th edition which will be used for MTH 141, MTH 142 and MTH 241.Students can use a hard copy or electronic version. The UB bookstore offers ebooks and may have hard copies of the textbook.
  • A textbook for the second semester should be obtained near the end of the fall semester. The textbook is Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra by Peter Selinger (based on the original text by Lyryx Learning and Ken Kuttler). The textbook can be purchased or downloaded (free version). Students may also use these supplemental notes.
  • In the second semester, students will be taking MTH 309 - Linear Algebra. MTH 309 at UB has a computer programming component which requires the download and use of Python (free) on a laptop or home computer. If your student does not have access to a computer for coursework please contact the office. Information on downloading Python will be discussed in the spring semester.
  • Scanner app or scanner - Most students use a free app on a phone or tablet, such as Adobe Scan, that takes a scan quality photo of your work and allows you to submit it to UB Learns as a pdf.
  • Students who are new to GMP this year should also attend to these items.

Information for New Students in GMP II-VI

In addition to the items listed in your class level above, please attend to the following:

  • We will provide new students with an instruction sheet for setting up their UBIT account. This is an important task, as it will give you access to UB Learns for grades and assignments, UB mail, and HUB student center for transcripts and college credit bills.
  • New students will receive a GMP bag and instructions for setting up the UBIT account on the first night of class. If you would like to obtain these items earlier, you may be able to arrange to do so by calling the office. Textbooks may also be available early for new students.
  • UB ID card – Students are required to have a UB ID card with them on campus.
    • Cards will not be available until we have sent our general summer announcements by email and postcard in July.
    • Parents should accompany students to obtain a UB card at 1Capen Student Services Center located on this map. Metered parking is also shown on the map. Student and staff lots may be used after 3 p.m. Visitor lots are available at other times.
    • The center is open Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30.
    • To get the ID card, students must bring a photo identification, such as a school ID card, passport, or yearbook, with you.
    • You will be charged $23.50 to your UB account (payable by credit card online in the HUB student center). Our nontraditional students will get their account information on the first night of class and can get into the HUB payment system after that.
    • Please note that the UB card is for ID purposes and may not carry the same privileges as a college student.
  • Chromebooks or laptops are required for levels I and II in GMP. For levels III-V, they will be used less often. If you do not already have access to a Chromebook or laptop to bring to class, feel free to reach out to us for alternatives before making a purchase.
  • Immunization reminder - If you have not sent your immunizations, they are due to the Student Health Center by August 10th.