New York State Testing

GMP students are required to take New York State Exams as offered by their homeschools. GMP sends a letter to each school in February with a list of our students and exams that need to be ordered for them. We recommend that parents check to make sure your school is prepared for your child.
Students in grade 5, 6 and 7 take the grade level New York State Assessments.
- We want students to take these seriously. A grade of 3 or 4 is expected from GMP students. Lower grades require remediation at the home school.
- State assessments are given over 3 days.
- A calendar for NY State Assesments Grades 3-7 can be found here.
- Students may need proctractor, ruler, and scientific calculator. Schools usually provide these.
- Sample test questions, test guides, and information about scores can be found here.
Students in GMP II, III and IV take the New York State Regents Exams.
- GMP II students are prepared to take the Algebra Regents Exam. GMP III students are prepared to take the Geometry Regents Exam. GMP IV students are prepared to take the Algebra II Regents Exam. We use Common Core curriculum (in addition to our enriched content) for these levels.
- Students should spend time preparing for these exams after the GMP year is finished. We rarely spend GMP class time reviewing for Regents exams. We strongly encourage students to attend the review sessions and complete the assignments for these, or to work independently starting in early May.
- A calendar for NY State Regents Exams can be found here.
- Graphing Calculators are needed on Regents Exams. GMP students are taught with the TI84 calculator.
- Old Regents Exams are available online.